Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Prison Ministry Needs You

LETTERS FOR THE LORD PRISON MINISTRY needs your immediate help!!! Will you assist me in answering all the prisoner mail? You can minister and mentor someone in prison from around the nation. I have many requests coming in daily. I can no longer reach them all by myself. I need Godly Christian men and women to assist me. Will you answer their mail? All it takes is the cost of a postage stamp. And a compassionate heart. Jesus commands you to visit prisoners. You can do it by mail. Start immediately! I need your help desperately. Please I pray you will hear and answer this plea for help. God bless you


  1. thanks Cary, this ministry always needs funds to provide books,Bibles & educational supplies to the prison where I volunteer. also need postage stamps for shipping materials to prisoners nationwide. always need people to correspond with prisoners also. plus annual Christmas project providing 1200 women in prison with hygiene items .
    visit my main website for more details
