Sunday, August 13, 2023

Wired For Christ

 Prison chapel. Barbed wire all around the facility of course. Prison service this morning inside this chapel. It was full of worship and praise to the Lord and a great message given.

No surprise all the years of Prison ministry that there is spiritual warfare. The devil doesn't like people getting free in Christ.

Our souls are so valuable that all of Heaven and  Hell battle over it.

Christ already won the victory. But what you can't really see in this photo is the barbed wire that they put up all around the top of the chapel building. No other buildings have that wire on the buildings.  Our pastors at church have started a Spiritual Warfare series and having seen that chapel with barbed wire attached to it, is just a stark reminder there is a war going on. In prisons and in the world.

Jesus has won the war...but the battles rage on because the devil knows his time is short.

An incident occurred that caused the wire to be attached to the chapel. But if the devil had his way, he would love to lock up every house of God.

The wire doesn't prevent services or classes from being held inside but just the stark comparison of good of God and evil of the devil battling here isn't lost on me.

In this end times, we true believers must stand up in the Name of Christ and push back evil. Will the devil like that? No. But we must back him up with the Name of Christ, the Word of Christ and the Blood of Christ.

Wimpy believers won't be effective in spiritual warfare. 

Let us all grab our "sword" [ the Bible ] and take back what the devil is trying to steal and destroy in our lives, our homes, our world.

Time is getting shorter, and we must use the time God has given to get into stronger relationship with Christ ourselves then go and change the world for Him. In the Name of Jesus Christ the devil must bow.

[Submit to God, resist the devil and he must flee!]

Get into the battle.

Wired for Christ.

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